ABC of Dermatology 5th edition PDF download ebook
ABC of Dermatology 5th Edition pdf
“The book( ABC of Dermatology ) is clear in style, with over 250 illustrations which are relevant to the content. It was easy to understand and could be read completely or dipped into according to topic area. Overall the book is a useful tool for primary care staff and due to the detailed illustrations and treatment section will be used frequently by the team.” (Journal of Community Nursing, 1 November 2011)
“This highly illustrated ABC will be invaluable for GPs, GP registrars, junior doctors, medical students and primary care nurses.” (Prescriber, November 2009)
From the Back Cover
With over 250 full color illustrations the new 5th edition of the bestselling ABC of Dermatology covers the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions for the non-dermatologist. It sets out the main types of clinical change that occur in and on the skin and relates this to specific skin conditions and underlying pathological changes. It then summarises the relevant pathological processes, diagnostic features and learning points. The types of treatment are clearly differentiated – between those suitable for the patient to obtain ‘off the shelf’, on prescription, and in specialist units.
The ABC of Dermatology provides the core knowledge of diagnosis and therapy of common conditions and the general principles of skin condition management. Including new chapters on drug rashes, connective tissue disease, skin tumours, practical procedures, laser treatments and a practical guide to dressings and bandages, this highly illustrated ABC is the perfect learning partner for GPs, GP registrars, junior doctors, medical students and primary care nurses
About the Author
Paul K Buxton, FRCP, Consultant Dermatologist. Currently visiting lecturer, Department of Dermatology, University of Addis Ababa. Previously Consultant Dermatologist, to Royal Infirmary Edinburgh and Fife Hospitals. Founding editor Community Dermatology Journal. Member British Association of Dermatologists. Fellow, section of Dermatology, Royal Society of Medicine.
Rachael Morris-Jones, Dermatology Consultant, Kings College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, UK
Description of ABC of Dermatology 5th edition
I think the photos are excellent in quality and scope. The text is easy to understand and well written. For a non-dermatologist, this is a good introductory textbook that I would recommend. While it is called ABC of Derm, it is really quite in-depth than that, at least for a non-specialist. It is a great book for a typical resident in internal medicine or family medicine training who wants to feel more confident when seeing patients with skin rashes.
Table of Contents
ABC of Dermatology 5th edition contains the following sections
- Introduction
- Psoriasis
- Management of Psoriasis
- Eczema (Dermatitis) Including Management
- Urticaria and Angio-edema
- Skin and Photosensitivity
- Inflammatory Dermatoses: Drug Rashes
- Inflammatory Dermatoses: Immunobullous and other blistering diseases
- Inflammatory Dermatoses: Connective Tissue Disease, Vasculitis and Related Disorders
- The Skin and Systemic Diseases
- Leg Ulcers
- Acne and Rosacea
- Bacterial Infections
- Viral Infections
- HIV and the Skin
- Fungal Infections
- Insect Bites and infestations
- Tropical Dermatology
- Hair and Scalp
- Diseases of the Nails
- Benign Skin Tumors
- Premalignant and Malignant Skin Tumors
- Practical Procedures
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