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AMC Textbook of Surgery PDF Download


Textbook of Surgery is a core book for medical and surgical students providing a comprehensive overview of general and speciality surgery. Each topic is written by an expert in the field.

The book focuses on the principles and techniques of surgical management of common diseases. Great emphasis is placed on problem-solving to guide students and junior doctors through their surgical training.

Throughout the book are numerous reproducible line drawings, tables and boxes that will prove invaluable for learning and revision. In addition there are detailed guidelines provided for surgical management.

Up-to-date and ideal for medical students and junior doctors on surgical attachments and a perfect refresher for RACS and MRCS candidates.

Reviews of the last edition

“The textbook presents a compact and contemporary overview and is not so much a reference book as a working tome suitable for familiarization with current trends in treatment and diagnosis in these various areas.


Medical students and trainees must possess an understanding of basic surgical principles, knowledge of specific surgical conditions, be able to perform a few basic procedures and be part of a multidisciplinary team that manages the patient in totality. Students must also be aware of the rapid developments in technology and basic sciences and understand where these developments impinge on surgical practice.
The Textbook of Surgery is intended to supply this information, which is especially relevant given current surgical curriculum for undergraduates. Each topic is written by an expert in the field from his own wisdom and experience. All contributors have been carefully chosen from the Australasian region for their authoritative expertise and personal involvement in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
In this textbook we have approached surgery from a practical viewpoint while emphasising the relevance of basic surgical principles. We have attempted to cover most aspects of general surgery and selected topics of specialty surgery, including cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, orthopaedic surgery and urology. Principles that underlie the assessment, care and treatment of surgical patients are outlined, followed by sections on various surgical disorders. The final section presents a practical problem-solving approach to the diagnosis and management of common surgical conditions. In clinical practice, patients present with symptoms and signs to the surgeon who then has to formulate care plans, using such a problem-solving approach. This textbook provides a good grounding for students in surgical diseases, problems and management. Apart from forming the core curriculum for medical students, surgical trainees will also find the Textbook of Surgery beneficial in their studies and their practice.
With ever-expanding medical knowledge, a core amount of instructive and up-to-date information is presented in a concise fashion. Important leading references of classic publications or up-to-date literature have been provided. It is our aim that this textbook will stimulate students to refer to appropriate reviews and publications for further details in specific subjects.
We have presented the textbook in an attractive and easily readable format by extensive use of tables, boxes and illustrations. We hope that this edition will continue to be valuable to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of surgery, and for general practitioners and physicians as a useful summary of surgery.

Editorial Reviews


Reviews of the last edition

“The textbook presents a compact and contemporary overview and is not so much a reference book as a working tome suitable for familiarization with current trends in treatment and diagnosis in these various areas.

…found this textbook very informative and a pleasure to read.”
ANZ Journal of Surgery Vol. 72, No. 12.

From the Back Cover

Textbook of Surgery is a core book for medical and surgical students providing a comprehensive overview of general and speciality surgery. Each topic is written by an expert in the field.

The book focuses on the principles and techniques of surgical management of common diseases. Great emphasis is placed on problem-solving to guide students and junior doctors through their surgical training.

Throughout the book are numerous reproducible line drawings, tables and boxes that will prove invaluable for learning and revision. In addition there are detailed guidelines provided for surgical management.

Up-to-date and ideal for medical students and junior doctors on surgical attachments and a perfect refresher for RACS and MRCS candidates.

Product details

  • Paperback: 720 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition (January 24, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1405126272
  • ISBN-13: 978-1405126274
  • Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1.3 x 9.7 inches

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