Neck Dissection 1st Edition PDF download

Neck Dissection 1st Edition PDF Free Download
Neck Dissection 1st Edition PDF

The dissection of critical structures of the neck is an integral part of all aspects of head and neck surgery, for both benign and malignant diagnoses of the head, skull base, neck, and cervicothoracic junction. An appreciation for neck anatomy is the foundation for success in executing surgery of the head and neck well. This anatomic understanding, married to fastidious surgical technique and extensive operative experience, can result in excellent outcomes when managing a broad spectrum of head and neck conditions. Moreover, a broad experience with the breadth of head and neck diseases is essential for comprehensive head and neck surgical care. It is the aspiration of the editors and authors of this book to present a complete treatment of the topic of neck dissection in its many applications. This book starts from the fundamentals and expands to all possible applications for deploying neckdissections and the procedure’s evolution to the current state of the art. I wish to publicly thank the support ofmy wife Cynthia and family of 4 daughters and 3 sons,my clinic support staff and colleagues at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and my excellent group of fifteen Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery residents. All have been supportive of my pursuits of new knowledge and excellence in clinical care over my career. I extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt humility for their support. I would like to thank my wife Patricia, and my two beautiful daughters, Sofia and Emma, for their relentless support, and for being a constant source of inspiration in every aspect ofmy life; andmy parents, Alejo and Teresa, for fostering my desire to learn, and for engraving in me the work ethic needed to succeed.

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