Netter’s Atlas of Neuroscience 3rd Edition PDF download

As in the first and second editions, Netter’s Atlas of Neuroscience, 3rd edition, combines the richness and beauty of Dr. Frank Netter’s illustrations with key information about the many regions and systems of the brain, spinal cord, and periphery. Jim Perkins and John Craig have contributed additional outstanding illustrations to complement the original Netter illustrations. The first edition included cross-sectional illustrations through the spinal cord and brain stem, as well as coronal and axial (horizontal) sections. The second edition built on the first edition with several additional illustrations and extensive new imaging using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), both T1- and T2-weighted, positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, functional MRI (fMRI), and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which provides pseudocolor images of central axonal commissural, association, and projection pathways. Full-plate MRIs were included for direct side-by-side comparisons with Dr. John Craig’s illustrations of the brain stem cross sections and axial and coronal sections. More than 200 “clinical boxes” were added to offer succinct clinical discussions of the functional importance of key topics. These clinical discussions were intended to assist the reader in bridging the anatomy and physiology depicted in each relevant plate to important related clinical issues. This third edition has many new components. Chapter 1, in the Overview section, “Neurons and Their Properties,” has been extensively revised and reorganized. Approximately 15 new plates on molecular and cellular topics such as astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, axonal transport, growth and trophic factors, nuclear transcription factors, neuronal stem cell biology, and others have been added.