Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 12th Edition PDF download
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 12th Edition PDF Free Download

An anatomy and physiology course can be the gateway to a gratifying career in a host of health-related professions. As active teachers of the course, we recognize both the rewards and challenges in providing a strong foundation for understanding the complexities of the human body to an increasingly diverse population of students. The twelfth edition of Principles of Anatomy and Physiology continues to offer a balanced presentation of content under the umbrella of our primary and unifying theme of homeostasis, supported by relevant discussions of disruptions to homeostasis. In addition, years of student feedback have convinced us that readers learn anatomy and physiology more readily when they remain mindful of the relationship between structure and function. As a writing team—an anatomist and a physiologist—our very different specializations offer practical advantages in fine-tuning the balance between anatomy and physiology. Most importantly, our students continue to remind us of their needs for—and of the power of—simplicity, directness, and clarity. To meet these needs each chapter has been written and revised to include: • clear, compelling, and up-to-date discussions of anatomy and physiology • expertly executed and generously sized art • classroom-tested pedagogy • outstanding student study support. As we revised the content for this edition, we kept our focus on these important criteria for success in the anatomy and physiology classroom and have refined or added new elements to enhance the teaching and learning process. NEW TO THIS EDITION TEXT UPDATES Every chapter in this edition of Principles of Anatomy and Physiology incorporates a host of improvements to both the text and the art developed by ourselves and suggested by reviewers, educators, or students.