Succeed in OSCEs and Practical Exams PDF download

Succeed in OSCEs and Practical Exams PDF Free Download
Succeed in OSCEs and Practical Exams PDF

In this book we are talking directly to you. The book is aimed at helping you succeed in your OSCE and practical examination; however, it will only help if you fully engage with the content. Whether you are currently a student nurse or a registered nurse undertaking CPD, your studies will have challenged you and required you to make changes to your behaviour and attitude during your time at university. OSCEs may occur at various points in your course and they will challenge you personally and professionally. We aim throughout this book to help you to be an active participant in your learning so that you can feel a sense of autonomy and independence in the process. OSCEs and practical examinations require you to be self-reliant, and this book can be a partner in your journey into: • understanding your own learning style; • understanding how refl ection can give you greater insight into your practice; • understanding how you can be empowered to improve your practice. Each chapter starts with the outcomes you can expect to achieve through your reading, as well as what we hope is an inspiring quote. There are useful tips, key points, examples and case studies throughout the book, and each chapter concludes with a summary of the key points raised. The book is aimed at preparing you for your OSCE or practical examination as part of a nursing course. These types of assessment are used to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required for safe and effective practice. Each chapter, where relevant, will make reference to the standards of profi – ciency for pre-registration nursing education (NMC 2004) and essential skills clusters (ESCs) (NMC 2007a, 2007b).

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