Nuclear Cardiology Review A Self-Assessment Tool 2nd Edition PDF download

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Nuclear Cardiology Review A Self-Assessment Tool 2nd Edition PDF Free Download
Nuclear Cardiology Review A Self-Assessment Tool 2nd Edition PDF

Nuclear cardiology has evolved to be the most important and frequently performed cardiovascular imaging modality for stratifying patients at risk for coronary artery disease as well as localizing ischemia in patients with established coronary artery disease pre- and postrevascularization. It was recognized early that with rapid growth and widespread implementation, there is a need to maintain quality by documenting that those physicians involved in performing and interpreting studies have received adequate training and meet and maintain a minimum level of technical and interpretative skills. To that end, the field implemented a voluntary process of physician certification so that practitioners could be evaluated on their knowledge of the basic sciences in nuclear imaging, maintenance of safety and quality, study interpretation, and appropriately applying test results for optimal patient diagnosis and management. Certification was not intended or designed to test for esoteric knowledge but to evaluate the practical technical and clinical skills required to safely and accurately interpret commonly performed nuclear cardiology studies. Over the past decade, newer applications for nuclear cardiac imaging were introduced including PET imaging for patients with suspected cardiac sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, and even endocarditis. To this end, this update includes almost 100 new questions and refinement of older questions to emphasize newer developments in the field and adherence to appropriate use criteria (AUC).

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Paperback: 224 pages
Second edition (October 13, 2017)
Language: English

Dr. Taimour is a dedicated medical professional and passionate advocate for international medical graduates seeking to pursue their dream of becoming a doctor abroad. With a wealth of experience and firsthand knowledge of the challenges and rewards of this journey, Dr. Harrison is committed to helping aspiring physicians navigate the complex world of medical licensure exams, such as the USMLE and PLAB, and find their path to success in foreign medical practice.

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