oxford handbook of neonatology

Oxford handbook of neonatology PDF download


Now, in its second edition, the Oxford PDF Neonatal Manual is the essential and easy-to-use guide for all health professionals involved in newborn care. Accessible, practical and updated with the latest evidence, this is a key resource designed for use on the crib side.
With the guidance of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health and including the most updated NICE guides, the second edition of this manual uses extensive diagrams and an easy-to-use format to cover good communication practices, neonatal and technical emergencies.
The Oxford Neonatology Manual, completely updated and revised with expanded sections that cover therapeutic hypothermia and attention to development, among other advances in the field, is a valuable and up-to-date guide for the rapidly evolving field.
Taking a valuable family-centered approach to neonatal care, this is the essential resource for all health professionals working with newborns, from students to the doctor in the room.


Grenville Fox has been a consultant neonatologist at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital (Foundation Trust of Guy’s and St. Thomas NHS) since 1996, where he has been clinical director / clinical director since 2000. He graduated from the University of Leicester and was trained in pediatrics and Neonatology in London before completing a fellowship in neonatal / perinatal medicine at the University of Toronto. I have research interests in neonatal respiratory care and I have several publications in this area. Nicholas Hoque is a neonatologist working at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital. I graduated from the Imperial College of Medicine and obtained a doctorate in neonatal neurology from the University of Bristol. He has worked and trained in many centers of excellence, such as Great Ormond Street, Birmingham and Bristol Children’s Hospitals and the University of California San Francisco. He published original research in peer-reviewed journals, presented internationally and produced content for textbooks. I sat on several committees at the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health. Tim Watts has been a consultant neonatologist at the Evelina Children’s Hospital in London since 2001 and a clinical leader since 2011. He graduated from the University of Western Australia and underwent neonatal and pediatric training in the United Kingdom. She has an interest in neonatal infection and neonatal hematology, obtaining her doctorate in medicine at the University of London on the topic of thrombocytopenia in the premature baby. He has contributed to several textbooks on neonatal medicine and nursing.

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