AMC Handbook of Multiple Choice Questions PDF

AMC Handbook of Multiple Choice Questions PDF Free Download

AMC Handbook of Multiple Choice Questions PDF

This Handbook of Multiple Choice Questions is the fourth in a series of publications that has been produced by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) to assist International Medical Graduates (IMGs) prepare for the AMC examinations. The AMC and the authors of this and earlier documents deserve considerable recognition for their insight, commitment and expertise in supporting IMGs’ entry into the Australian medical system, and for doing so in a manner which assures the Australian public about their competence. The introduction to this book lists the many clinicians who have contributed to its development. They are among the most respected doctors in Australia. These same clinicians devote many days each year to the development and review of materials for the AMC examinations and most have been doing so for many years. Their commitment to the AMC and its examinations underscores the respect they have and priority they assign to the AMC and its role and, more importantly, the quality of the assessment materials comprising the AMC examinations.
The examinations of the AMC are developed to assess competence at the level of a graduate from an Australian medical school, and assess competence relative to the requirements of safe, effective medical practice and health care in Australia. Effective this year, IMGs seeking general registration through the Standard Pathway must pass the AMC’s multiple choice question (MCQ) examination as a precondition to working in Australia. This latest publication serves IMGs well as an introduction and orientation to this examination. It has been over a decade since the AMC produced its first publication in this series. The first publication, like this current publication, addressed the needs of IMGs in their preparation for the AMC MCQ examination. A comparison of the first and fourth booklets identifies a remarkable evolution of the MCQ examination; from an emphasis on the assessment of an IMG’s knowledge base to one of testing their ability to make key clinical decisions underlying safe and effective clinical practice. This evolution is based on the recognition that, while possessing knowledge remains a cornerstone of clinical competence, the ability to apply that knowledge in the context of clinical problems is the real test of clinical competence, and that knowing alone is a necessary but not sufficient condition to being clinically competent.

Dr Abdullah
Dr Abdullah
Dr. Abdullah is a professor and a doctor teaching students to get there med license.

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