Last’s Anatomy Regional and Applied 12th Edition PDF

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Last’s Anatomy Regional and Applied 12th Edition PDF Free Download

Last’s Anatomy Regional and Applied 12th Edition PDF

For the first time in its publication history all the illustrations in the previous (eleventh) edition of Last’s Anatomy appeared in full colour. This development transformed the illustrations and received very favourable readership response. In the light of such evaluation the publication of a twelfth edition has provided the opportunity to augment the illustrations in the book by the inclusion of new photographs depicting anatomy of clinical, endoscopic and surgical relevance and additional photographs of prosections. Where necessary the colour, tone, shade and contrast of existing illustrations have been enhanced. Colour consistency for related structures has been maintained throughout to ensure ease of cross-reference from one illustration to another. The text has been wholly reviewed and refinements made where required in the interests of relevance and readability. The anatomy of surgical approaches has been updated in the light of the continuing evolution of surgical practice, advances in laparoscopic surgery and the increasing scope of minimal access procedures. The limited field of vision provided by these latter techniques emphasises the need for a reliable knowledge of regional anatomy and structural relationships. Eponyms in common clinical use have been added. Curricular reforms and changes to surgical training programmes have resulted in a reduction of anatomy study time and prosection experience for medical students, and in difficulties encountered by surgical trainees in including anatomy demonstratorships in their career pathways. These developments have reiterated the continuing need for a regionally arranged, clinically and surgically relevant anatomy textbook appropriate for both undergraduate study and postgraduate utilisation. The twelfth edition of Last’s Anatomy aims to fulfil this role and be of value to medical students, surgical trainees and practising surgeons.

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Publisher:Churchill Livingstone


Pages:548 / 559

ISBN 10:0702033944

ISBN 13:9780702033940

File:PDF, 190.12 MB

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