Neuroanatomy An Illustrated Colour Text 6th Edition PDF download
Neuroanatomy An Illustrated Colour Text 6th Edition PDF Free Download

A basic knowledge of human neuroanatomy is an essential prerequisite for medical students about to embark upon clinical studies. Without such knowledge it is impossible to understand the myriad of dinical signs and symptoms that arise from disorders of the nervous system. This book has been designed primarily for medical students, but neuroanatomy is an important subject also for students of basic neuroscience and of many subjects allied to medicine. In revising and updating Neuroanatomy for a sixth edition, we have retained our original intention to produce a relevant, dear, succinct and well-illustrated account of the anatomy of the human nervous system. Relevance is, perhaps, the most important feature. Neuroanatomy is an extensive subject, and the pace of research in both the basic and clinical sciences means that it is ever-expanding. At the same time, students are under pressure and neuroanatomy will almost certainly not be the only subject that they are studying.
Although the question “What do I need to know?” is anathema to some educators, it is perfectly understandable. What to include and what to leave out is, of course, a matter of judgement. Our approach has been to include what we consider to be essential material, correlating, wherever possible, anatomical structure with function and, where applicable, relating it to clinical significance. We believe that the breadth and depth of coverage of the subject in Neuroanatomy are sufficient to enable students to commence their training in dinical neuroscience with confidence. Clarity is also of great importance. Neuroanatomy is a complex subject and one with which students often find difficulty. We have made every effort, therefore, to avoid vagueness, opacity and ambiguity and to make descriptions and concepts as straightforward as possible. Not only does Neuroanatomy focus on the essential material but the text is also deliberately succinct and to the point.
More Info:
Paperback: 185 pages
6 edition (April 9, 2019)
Language: English
Socia Drive