Neuroanatomy for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2nd Edition PDF download

Neuroanatomy for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2nd Edition PDF Free Download
Neuroanatomy for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2nd Edition PDF

This text is primarily intended for graduate students studying communication sciences and disorders, but it is also written in an accessible way for junior or senior undergraduates preparing for graduate school. It is more important than ever for communication science and disorders students to understand the neurological underpinnings of communication disorders. As I think back on my own education, I did not have a standalone neuroanatomy class in either my undergraduate or graduate communication sciences and disorders training. At that time, this kind of information was imbedded over the span of a couple of weeks in an undergraduate anatomy of speech and hearing course. After graduate school, I entered the profession as a medical speech-language pathologist at a regional trauma center. It was here that I was challenged to learn about a variety of neurological disorders that I had previously learned little about. It has been over a quarter century since I completed my master’s studies, and a lot has changed since that time. Now, nearly all graduate training programs have a full class in neuroscience to help students better understand, assess, and treat people with neurogenic communication disorders. This text was born after a 15-year search for a neuroscience book focused on communication and communication disorders for my class. I adopted general neuroscience texts written by neurologists and neuroscientists, but I was unhappy with the lack of discussion about communication and communication disorders. I also tried texts written by communication scientists and others in communication disorders, but I found these to resemble the general neuroscience texts with some discussion of communication disorders sprinkled in here and there. Often, robust discussions of language or swallowing were entirely missing. I mentioned this frustrating search to a salesperson from Jones & Bartlett Learning, who asked “Have you ever thought about writing one?” The seed was planted and I realized that it was time to stop complaining and produce something that would at least help me in my class.

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Edition:2nd Edition



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