lBrady Urology Manual 1st Edition PDF download
Brady Urology Manual 1st Edition PDF Free Download

When I was a junior resident, scrambling between operating rooms, hospital floors, outpatient clinics, and ERs, abruptly swerving from one clinical scenario to the next, I resolved to develop an easy-to-use, convenient reference manual written by urology trainees for urology trainees. The Brady Urology Manual combines basic principles of epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment in a concise, accessible format. It emphasizes general concepts and presents practical approaches to common problems. It is not intended as a comprehensive compendium of urological knowledge, or as a definitive guide for diagnosis and treatment, but as a practical review and quick reference manual for selected topics. To expedite information retrieval, each chapter is similarly formatted and preceded by summaries of the most salient points. This book represents the hard work of an exceptional group of individuals with whom I have had the privilege to work: the residents, visiting residents, and fellows of the James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. The strengths of this book belong to them, the shortcomings to me. I am also indebted to my co-editor, E James Wright m d , and to Alan W Partin m d PhD – teachers, role models, and friends, without whom this book would not have been possible. Finally, I am deeply grateful to Patrick C Walsh m d , an extraordinary mentor, whose ability to inspire excellence is exceeded only by his passion for teaching it.
More Info:
Print Length: 330 pages
1 edition (July 16, 2019)
Language: English