Clinical Manual of Emergency Pediatrics 6th edition book download

Streamlined chapters, with increased use of tables to enable readers to locate critical information rapidly. Successful and trusted for more than 30 years, this updated handbook is a key resource for pediatricians, emergency medicine physicians, family practitioners, and trainees.

About the Author
Jeffrey C. Gershel, M.D., FAAP is Vice Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi Medical Center and Professor of Pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York.

Book Description

Clinical Manual of Emergency Pediatrics, 6th edition, is a concise, portable handbook summarizing the wide range of conditions encountered in pediatric emergency departments. As children with acute problems often receive care in private offices and clinics, it is equally relevant for pediatricians, emergency medicine physicians, family practitioners and internists. The 5th edition of this hugely successful resource is the leading book of its kind for several reasons: • Clear, concise guidance is given for patient evaluation and follow-up and explicit indications for admission • Every chapter is organized in a standard format, making it very easy for a reader to locate critical information rapidly • A dedicated ‘Special Considerations’ chapter addresses difficult problems such as the crying infant and the cross-cultural encounter Numerous new topics are included, making Clinical Manual of Emergency Pediatrics, 6th edition an invaluable resource for any physician working in acute care settings where children are seen

Table of Contents

1. Resuscitation 1
2. Allergic Emergencies 37
3. Cardiac Emergencies 47
4. Dental Emergencies 83
5. Dermatologic Emergencies 98
6. Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies 143
7. Endocrine Emergencies 171
8. Environmental Emergencies 207
9. Gastrointestinal Emergencies 234
10. Genitourinary Emergencies 294
11. Gynecologic Emergencies 312
12. Hematologic Emergencies 349
13. Infectious Disease Emergencies 379
14. Ingestions 442
15. Neurologic Emergencies 493
16. Ophthalmologic Emergencies 540
17. Orthopedic Emergencies 560

18-Physical Abuse 595
19. Psychological and Social Emergencies 613
20. Pulmonary Emergencies 624
21. Radiology 657
22. Renal Emergencies 671
23. Rheumatologic Emergencies 697
24. Sedation and Analgesia 712
25. Trauma 741
26. Wound Care and Minor Trauma 762
27. Special Considerations in Pediatric Emergency Care 786

File Size: 18 MBs

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