Pharmacy Student Survival Guide 2nd Edition PDF download

Pharmacy Student Survival Guide 2nd Edition PDF Free Download
Pharmacy Student Survival Guide 2nd Edition PDF

Student pharmacists need a textbook to use for learning in general about etiquette, ethics, law, and other topics for practice courses. It should be a book that is the right size for quickly reading and referencing information when in a classroom or completing introductory and advanced practice courses. We feel this text will fulfill that need for students. TO THE STUDENT This handbook is one of a few texts that you will use through your entire pharmacy school education. So take a pencil or pen and start scribbling notes in the margins, keep track of the “pearls” you learn in class here in a book where you can find them later. There is no one right way to use this handbook. The important thing is that it does not sit on your shelf as a required text, never to be opened. You bought the book; take the time to see what information is contained within. Think of it as your road map to practice courses; calculations, kinetics, drug information, medical terminology, and laboratory data book all in one. TO THE FACULTY/PRECEPTOR Faculty/preceptors often find themselves looking for material that quickly acquaints students with a certain theory, process, or practice. We hope that this text meets those expectations. This text can be used both in the classroom to introduce ideas and during practice courses to help guide students in learning terminology, organizing case information, improving problem-solving skills, and rounding. The book is divided into three working sections: systems and expectations, a toolbox, and pharmacy practice topics. In the systems and expectations section, the authors discuss topics for introductory and advanced pharmacy practice courses, etiquette, ethical issues, service-learning, communication skills, monitoring patients, and the function of a medical team. All chapters are written to help the student become comfortable within the healthcare system and explain the expectations of student pharmacists within that system.

More Info:

Paperback: 608 pages
2 edition (May 27, 2009)
Language: English

Dr. Taimour is a dedicated medical professional and passionate advocate for international medical graduates seeking to pursue their dream of becoming a doctor abroad. With a wealth of experience and firsthand knowledge of the challenges and rewards of this journey, Dr. Harrison is committed to helping aspiring physicians navigate the complex world of medical licensure exams, such as the USMLE and PLAB, and find their path to success in foreign medical practice.

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