Netter’s Concise Radiologic Anatomy 2nd Edition PDF
Netter’s Concise Radiologic Anatomy 2nd Edition PDF Free Download
Diagnostic medical images are now an integral component of contemporary courses in medical gross anatomy. This primarily reflects the steadily increasing teaching of clinical correlations within such courses. Accordingly, radiographic images are included in all gross anatomy atlases and textbooks. These images are typically plain radiographs, axial CT/MRI (computed tomography/magnetic resonance image) scans, and angiograms of various parts of the vascular system. Although such images reflect the capabilities of diagnostic imaging technology of perhaps 25 years ago, they do not reflect the full integration of computer graphics capabilities into radiology. This integration has resulted in a tremendous expansion in the ability of radiology to represent human anatomy. The active process of reformatting imaging data into optimal planes and types of image reconstruction that best illustrate anatomic/pathologic features is not limited to academic centers. To the contrary, the graphics workstation is now a commonly used tool in the practice of diagnostic radiology. Special views and image reconstructions are currently part of the diagnostic process and are usually made available to all those participating in patient care, along with an interpretation by the radiologist that describes the pathology and relevant anatomy. This situation led us to the realization that any student of anatomy would benefit from early exposure to the manner of appearance of key anatomic structures in diagnostic images, especially advanced CTs and MRIs. Thus, in 2007 we (a radiologist and two anatomists) chose to develop an atlas that illustrates how modern radiology portrays human anatomy. To accomplish this task, we decided to match modern diagnostic images with a subset of the anatomic drawings from the Atlas of Human Anatomy by Dr. Frank H. Netter. Netter’s atlas has become the gold standard of human anatomy atlases. Its images are quite familiar to the vast majority of students who complete a course in human gross anatomy.
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Pages:519 / 551
ISBN 13:978-1-4557-5323-9
File:PDF, 115.56 MB
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