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AMC Murtagh’s General Practices PDF Download


John Murtagh’s General Practice is widely recognised as the gold standard reference and most influential publication for general practice and primary health care, both for doctors already established in practice and those starting out in their careers. Now in its sixth edition, John Murtagh’s General Practice is the result of John Murtagh’s vast experience as a rural and urban general practitioner and a highly regarded educator. This new edition is further enhanced by the contributions of Dr Jill Rosenblatt, who adds an additional level of authority to this respected title. John Murtagh’s General Practice sixth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with a new chapter dedicated to cardiovascular along with key updates to the Child and adolescent health and Male health chapters. About the authors John Murtagh is Emeritus Professor in General Practice at Monash University; Professorial Fellow of General Practice at the University of Melbourne; Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Notre Dame; and Guest Professor at Peking University Health Science Centre, Beijing. Jill Rosenblatt is a general practitioner and Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Primary Health Care at Monash University. She has a wealth of rural and urban experience. Praise for John Murtagh You only need to look at how he writes his books to see that he is a great educator and a wonderful general practitioner who teaches in a very practical, intelligent and focused way, Michael Kidd, in Australian Doctor 2005 (as President of the RACGP) Murtagh’s textbooks and his teaching are equally legendary. General Practice, Patient Education and Practice Tips have sold more than 50,000 copies excluding nine language translations and several English reprints in India. John Murtagh has been voted to be in the top 10 of Australian Doctors 50 most influential people in general practice.


The discipline of general practice has become complex, expansive and challenging, but nevertheless remains manageable, fascinating and rewarding. John Murtagh’s General Practice attempts to address the issue of the base of knowledge and skills required in modern general practice. Some of the basics of primary healthcare remain the same. In fact, there is an everlasting identity about many of the medical problems that affect human beings, be it a splinter under a nail, a stye of the eyelid, a terminal illness or simply stress-related anxiety. Many of the treatments and approaches to caring management are universal and timeless.
This text covers a mix of traditional and modern practice with an emphasis on the importance of early diagnosis, strategies for solving common presenting problems, continuing care, holistic management and ‘tricks of the trade’. One feature of our discipline is the patient who presents with undifferentiated problems featuring an overlap of organic and psychosocial components. There is the constant challenge to make an early diagnosis and identify the ever-lurking, life-threatening illness. Hence the ‘must not be missed’ catch cry throughout the text. To reinforce this awareness, ‘red flag pointers’ to serious disease are included where appropriate. The general practice diagnostic model, which pervades all the chapters on problem solving, is based on the authors’ experience, but readers can draw on their own experience to make the model work effectively for themselves.
This sixth edition expands on the challenging initiative of diagnostic triads (or tetrads), which act as a brief aide-memoire to assist in identifying a disorder from three (or four) key symptoms or signs. A particular challenge in the preparation of the text was to identify as much appropriate and credible evidence-based information as possible. This material, which still has its limitations, has been combined with considerable collective wisdom from experts, especially from the Therapeutic Guidelines series. To provide updated accuracy and credibility, the authors have had the relevant chapters peer reviewed by independent experts in the respective disciplines. These consultants are acknowledged in the reviewers section. The revised edition also has the advantage of co-authorship from experienced general practitioner Dr Jill Rosenblatt. A comprehensive book such as this one, which presents a basic overview of primary medicine, cannot possibly cover all the medical problems likely to be encountered. An attempt has been made, however, to focus on problems that are common, significant, preventable and treatable. Expanded material on genetic disorders, infectious diseases and tropical medicine provides a glimpse of relatively uncommon presenting problems in first-world practice.

Product details

Product detailsHardcover: 1603 pagesPublisher: McGraw-Hill Education / Australia; 6 edition (16 October 2015)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1743760035ISBN-13: 978-1743760031Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 2.4 x 10.1 cm

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