Top 5 books on Javascript


In this article, I will show the top 5 JavaScript books that I think are the most valuable in my opinion.

What is JavaScript and why should you learn it?

javascript was originally designed for the strictly client-side application that’s why it was only used to manipulate DOM nodes. But now it is known as a multi-purpose higher level language which means you can write client and server-side applications with the help of node.js javascript framework to write server-side applications.

JavaScript is everywhere, servers, client-side, mobile, AI and games. That’s why every developer should learn JavaScript. You can write servers, client and also single page applications using react or angular.

Top 5 Javascript books

One of the best ways to learn a new language is to go through a book. There are many great books on JavaScript but here are my top picks.

5- Head First JavaScript

Head first JavaScript was released in 2014 and it is one of the best books out there to learn about basics for programming and JS. Many new developers started with this book. Developer like Andy Sterkowitz a self-taught software developer also learned from this book. You should check out his youtube channel.

4- Java Script the Definitive Guide

Here is a book by O’Rielly this book was first publish in 2008. This book is great for beginners and anyone who wants to learns programming. This book starts off really slow and basic but gradually increase in difficulty. It is one of the best books about java script.

Here is an link to Amazon to purchase this book.

3- JavaScript and JQuery ( John Duckett)

This is an amazing book and best seller on Amazon John did an amazing job on this book. I must say it is a definite must for every developer. He explained complex concepts in a very easy manner.

2- Eloquent JavaScript (Marjin Haverbeke)

This is my Personal favorites this is a very thorough book, Every concept is explained in an eloquent manner. This book Starts from basics and moves towards advanced topics likes Node.js and advanced caching.

1- Smarter way to learn JavaScript (Mark Myers)

Hands down the best ever book on java script. the examples in this books are really great. You can practice code on their website. It has a hands on approach.


Javascript is everywhere and its popularity is increasing by the day. You should definitely consider learning javascript. There are man books on JavaScript but these are my favorites. Tell me your favorite books on JavaScript below.

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