Dermatology for USMLE 1st edition 2017 Book Download PDF
Features of the Book
Recognizing photographs of skin disorders in board exams is usually an easy way to score points. Dermatology for USMLE is a targeted dermatology review book that prepares you to identify the most commonly tested skin photographs and focuses on what you really need to know for the boards. Key images with accompanying text ensure maximal comprehension of the most commonly encountered dermatologic diseases. This Dermatology for USMLE is a must read book for those aspirants who are in their final steps for the USMLE exams.
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1: Basics of Dermatology
- Chapter 2: autoimmune skin Disorders
- Chapter 3: Benign skin DisorDers
- Chapter 4: Blistering skin DisorDers
- Chapter 5: Cutaneous manifestations of internal Diseases
- Chapter 6: Disorders of the follicular Pilosebaceous unit
- Chapter 7: Disorders of the hair
- Chapter 8: Drug reactions
- Chapter 9: eczema (Dermatitis)
- Chapter 10: Inflammatory Disorders of the skin
- Chapter 11: inherited skin Disorders
- Chapter 12: melanocytiC skin DisorDers
- Chapter 13: Premalignant and malignant skin Disorders
- Chapter 14: Selected Bacterial Infections
- Chapter 15: Selected Fungal Infections
- Chapter 16: Selected Parasitic and Arthropod Infestations
- Chapter 17: Selected Viral Infections
- Chapter 18: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI s)
- Chapter 19: Selected Skin Disorders

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