Essential Haematology 6th Edition PDF download

Essential Haematology 6th Edition PDF Free Download

Essential Haematology 6th Edition PDF

Almost 70 years later, haematology still continues to be at the forefront of medical advances. Th e increased understanding of blood diseases particularly their genetic basis and changes in their treatment is such that in writing this new edition, substantial changes have been necessary throughout. Th e classifi cation of the neoplasms of the haemopoietic and lymphoid diseases has been revised by WHO (2008) and the names and defi nitions of many of these diseases have changed. Clinical features, genetics and immunophenotype are increasingly used to defi ne biological entities. We have made changes in all the relevant chapters but, in a book intended primarily for undergraduates, we have simplifi ed some of the classifi cation tables and omitted detailed descriptions of rare diseases. On the other hand, some tests e.g. red cell survival and vitamin B 12 absorption studies have become obsolete and are now omitted. As previously, we have used a colour line in the margin to indicate text that we consider more advanced than is needed for under graduate medical students and more appropriate for postgraduates. John Pettit, co – author on all fi ve previous editions, has retired from authorship for this edition. Much of the success of the book when it fi rst appeared 30 years ago and in all fi ve previous editions has been due to John ’ s ability to write clear, concise descriptions of the various diseases, and to produce fi rst – class photomicrographs and line diagrams to illustrate the text. Many of these images appear in this latest edition. Th e diff erent aspects of iron overload are now merged into a new chapter and we have separated chapters on acute myeloid and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We have also introduced summary boxes at the end of each chapter to summarise the contents and added multiple choice questions to the website both at undergraduate and at a more advanced level to help in self – learning. Th e book ’ s website will be updated annually.

Dr Abdullah
Dr Abdullah
Dr. Abdullah is a professor and a doctor teaching students to get there med license.

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