Impact Of Technology & Gadgets On Our Lives.

High-Tech gadgets have occupied a major role in our daily lives whether we like it or not. All of the gadgets were made to make life better for us in general.  These high-tech gadgets do play a significant role, but we just cannot deny the fact that many of the gadgets do have a negative influence on our lives.

Significance Of Gadgets And Innovations.

The modern technology and gadgets have surely made life easier. It is now easier to get in touch with our loved ones, do research at home, read books at home, gadgets are a huge source of entertainment and so on. Broadly speaking, you just name a thing and modern technology surely does have a way for you.

Psychological Dependence On Gadgets And Technology.

We surely need to understand that technology and gadgets were made to make our life easier and that we should not make them a source of addiction. These things should be used productively and not addictively. People have made gadget and technology usage an obsession nowadays which is clearly not a healthy sign.

Adverse Effects Of Prolonged Gadget Usage.

Using gadgets over a very long period of time has many adverse effects. While we are busy using gadgets we forget about our posture, our distance from the screen, the screen’s brightness which ultimately damages our vision and health.  When we are staring at an electronic screen for a longer period of time it causes distress, which in turn disturbs our healthy life.

Negative Effects Of Gadget Usage On Children.

According to a research 29% of toddlers can easily use modern day gadgets and 70% master it by primary school age. From these figures we can have a rough idea about how alarming the situation is. These gadgets have many negative effects on children such as speech or language delay in children, attention deficits, children having difficulty controlling their behavior, loss in focus, restlessness, difficulty in learning, anxiety, depression, impact on child’s character and many more. The situation with kids and gadgets is very alarming.


Though helpful, but technology and gadgets can be very harmful if made an obsession or addiction. We need to properly manage gadget usage especially for the children. We need to set time for the usage of these gadgets and we should make our children play outside with their friends and siblings. In this way gadget usage will be limited and it will also help the child to interact and communicate. Use technology and gadgets in good way and you’re all good, use it in a bad way and man you are surely in trouble. Here is great book that explains the topic more widely, hope you guys give it a read. Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter.

Buy this awesome book on amazon

Building Blocks of an Engineering Career

Everyone’s response when a student says that “he likes to build…” or “he wants to build (blank) when he grows up?” Would your initial acknowledgment be to tell the student about engineering? The matter is, lots of people don’t connect engineering to these types of teachable stages. It’s a hidden opportunity to announce students to a successful career.

Here’s an approach you can respond to: Engineers are trailblazers! They do mind-blowing things like design and create buildings, bridges, and low carbon cities. Engineers are people who deal with problems and make things work.

There are up to 200 types of engineering. This has lead to some confusion among students. Just like sports can be grouped into areas like football, baseball, soccer, tennis, etc. The different types of engineering can be organized into specializations which include chemical, civil, electrical, engineering sciences, mechanical, petroleum.

Innovation and Creative Ideas

Engineers use creative ideas, Then these ideas are used with principles of science and math. To establish solutions for problems. Most of the engineers develop new products. Along the process, they acknowledge some of the factors. For example, in the process to build an industrial robot, engineers focus on the functional requirements accurately. which they design and test. Then merge the components to produce the final design, and figure out the design’s overall effectiveness. This process applies to develop different products, such as chemicals, computers, power plants, and toys, etc.

What is an Engineer?

Engineers change the world by building creative, businesslike solutions. That makes a change in our lives. Engineers work with smart people. To come up with, design and create things that matter. An affection for math and science is not the only thing to be an engineer; you just need to be able to do it.

How to Become an Engineer?

Countries with the basic syllabus in Highschools with the science-engineering programs. That highlights math, chemistry, and physics bring the fundamentals for engineering careers. Students before the university have the chance of selecting their courses. Then they can set the direction to become an engineer.

Include this for guidance

Top 5 books on Javascript


In this article, I will show the top 5 JavaScript books that I think are the most valuable in my opinion.

What is JavaScript and why should you learn it?

javascript was originally designed for the strictly client-side application that’s why it was only used to manipulate DOM nodes. But now it is known as a multi-purpose higher level language which means you can write client and server-side applications with the help of node.js javascript framework to write server-side applications.

JavaScript is everywhere, servers, client-side, mobile, AI and games. That’s why every developer should learn JavaScript. You can write servers, client and also single page applications using react or angular.

Top 5 Javascript books

One of the best ways to learn a new language is to go through a book. There are many great books on JavaScript but here are my top picks.

5- Head First JavaScript

Head first JavaScript was released in 2014 and it is one of the best books out there to learn about basics for programming and JS. Many new developers started with this book. Developer like Andy Sterkowitz a self-taught software developer also learned from this book. You should check out his youtube channel.

4- Java Script the Definitive Guide

Here is a book by O’Rielly this book was first publish in 2008. This book is great for beginners and anyone who wants to learns programming. This book starts off really slow and basic but gradually increase in difficulty. It is one of the best books about java script.

Here is an link to Amazon to purchase this book.

3- JavaScript and JQuery ( John Duckett)

This is an amazing book and best seller on Amazon John did an amazing job on this book. I must say it is a definite must for every developer. He explained complex concepts in a very easy manner.

2- Eloquent JavaScript (Marjin Haverbeke)

This is my Personal favorites this is a very thorough book, Every concept is explained in an eloquent manner. This book Starts from basics and moves towards advanced topics likes Node.js and advanced caching.

1- Smarter way to learn JavaScript (Mark Myers)

Hands down the best ever book on java script. the examples in this books are really great. You can practice code on their website. It has a hands on approach.


Javascript is everywhere and its popularity is increasing by the day. You should definitely consider learning javascript. There are man books on JavaScript but these are my favorites. Tell me your favorite books on JavaScript below.

How AI Curriculum Can Prepare Students for Success in a New World

The questions on the minds of scholars and business analyst identically remains a reflection from 2019 and years past. However, technology effects jobs and how can we prepare our students to achieve goals in an increasingly automated, AI-driven world?

The concern that circles AI, automation and its impact on jobs broadly exceed the understanding of its opportunities. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, the focus on AI should, and likely will, command a more prominent role in the curriculum.

Digitization of the Industry

As we all knew that talent and workforce strain associated with the digitization of nearly every industry in the world. Meanwhile, Amazon inaugurated its first store with checkout-free shopping and automatic billing two years ago. The credit goes to new AI-powered tools.

Gartner Report

According to the Gartner report, AI will replace the 1.8 million eliminated jobs with 2.3 million new jobs by 2020. Employment companies announced that a growing number of AI jobs are providing careers to talents with required skills. The World Bank has also accepted that the expanded use of artificial intelligence and robotics are unlikely to lead to job excess.

The truth is

AI is the fourth industrial revolution with the potential for all applications and processes to get smarter to benefits for the world. It impacts every part of our lives, from how we shop to our healthcare to the cars we drive. The advancement of AI will put up to 58 million net new jobs in the next few years, says the World Economic Forum. Economic Modeling Specialists concludes that jobs in STEM fields will grow by 13% between now and 2027. However, the supply of AI talent is not meeting demand.


Rather, we’re concerned that misunderstandings about automation and AI. The impact on the job market, have dominated all of the positive ways that AI can change the world for the better from creating new healthcare solutions to designing hospitals of the future, Better farming, and our food supply, improving educational resources and access, and even cleaning our oceans, air, and water supply. The embryonic for humans to improve the world through AI is endless, as long as we know how to use it.

Must go through the book for bridging this gap

For more see

Blockchain and Islamic banking

Before going blockchain and Islamic banking lets get started what are both


Blockchain comprises of two-word block and chain that means there are chains of block and block is make-up of transaction records made in any of cryptocurrencies and existing in several computers that is in peer to peer connection.

Islamic Banking

Islamic banking, banking which is shariah compliant and is based on the Islamic principle. It makes profits through equity participation, which requires the borrower to give the bank a share in its profits instead of paying interest.

Now we have a view what is two term mean lets dig about how to relate to each other !

Nearly 2 billion people are there developing or working or adopting Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. In early 2017 major banks compliant with shariah began to work at blockchain to minimize the cost of the transaction and automate things. UAE Islamic bank pioneer in using blockchain technology for fraud prevention.

Is it Haraam or not ?

Different Islamic scholars may have different opinions about what is compatible with Sharia, with some schools that reject the cryptocurrency while many others have approved. In fact, blockchain and cryptocurrency could bring many benefits for Islamic banking and vice versa. Their recent collaboration is creating new potential markets and new business opportunities. And investors of all kinds can take advantage, with the right approach.
So, the conclusion is if it minimizing the cost of transaction fraud prevention then it good to go, keeping in mind what Islam teaches us, if somewhat how it going against Islamic principle it’s haraam.

Concept of Riba

One is that the Islamic concept of Riba prohibits the payment or collection of interest. Islamic banks can only create debt when it is backed by goods and services. Which means that they must be connected to a real underlying asset, such as gold, silver or property papers. This stipulation rules out options, futures and most derivatives, which, of course, makes it difficult to work with Western financial companies.


So I may conclude that by saying there is no yes or no for that, as I have stated in article most have given fatwa on the blockchain is haraam, some are working on that by believing it’s not haraam. it’s you believe how you see a thing. As far as I am concerned and it is in my knowledge it’s not haraam.

Must read

A Kubernetes Guide on How and Where to Learn and Certify

When it comes to talking about containers and orchestration system kubernetes is on top of the talk. It’s basically reshaping the way in which software is design and development. As far as stats tell us it is leading the container world. we have said so much, for now, let’s get the party started.

What is kubernetes:

kubernetes k8s is developed by Google and for now, maintained by cloud-native computing of parent organization Linux foundation. An open source computing which held responsible for automating container operation i.e designing development scaling operations.

How it came to exist?

Its the container that exists before kubernetes. Containers are the new way to develop and maintain the software. It’s the same container we think of has all the stuff pack in one unit, includes libraries and dependencies.
When the software world become more distributed, relying on cloud computing, monolithic application converting to microservices. These microservices enabling a user to scale individual functions more easily. There are tools Docker Container, Mesos, and AWS ECS enabling users to deploy microservices more easily. As of handling the vast number of users application get more complex a need to run multiple containers, decide which container to run when, how they communicate with storage, Doing manually will be exhausting.

This problem gives birth to kubernetes.

Orchestration system before kubernetes?

Docker is used to running a software bundle called containers. It also has a platform named docker swarm. It has the same workaround, but bound to work with docker and kubernetes is tend to adopt the generalized model of the container.
Things kubernetes can do
Management of cluster of container
Tools to deploy microservices or application to a cluster
Scaling application up or down when needed
Managing or optimizing the use of hardware beneath your container

As this article has given you a broader look at what is kubernetes and how it works let explore the resources.

Kubernetes official documentation:

Cloud Providers:

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Baidu Cloud Container Engine

Must read a book:

Alas! if you are really into container thing and want to become a certified kubernetes application developer.
Best certification is CKAD & CKA (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer & Certified Kubernetes Administrator) by CNCF( Cloud Native Computing Foundation)

Regular price is 300 dollar, but if you are the student you can email them at with the photo of student ID card to get 150$ discount