Apley & Solomon’s system of orthopaedics and trauma 10th Edition PDF

Apley & Solomon’s system of orthopaedics and trauma 10th Edition PDF Free Download

Since Alan Apley published the first edition of this book the world has changed considerably and so has the practice of orthopaedic surgery. In 1959, hip replacement was rare and had high failure rates, knee replacement and arthroscopy did not exist and fractures were primarily treated in traction. The last edition of this book commented on the projected impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The epidemic has largely been brought under control, with effective treatment resulting in normal life expectancy for sufferers. However, in untreated individuals, the incidence of secondary infection such as tuberculosis is high and the prognosis is still dire. It is interesting and encouraging to note that both the National Joint Registry for England and Wales and the Malawian Joint Registry have shown that hip replacement is an effective treatment for patients who have multimorbidity which includes AIDS with no increased risk of early postoperative mortality compared with patients who do not have AIDS.
Over the lifetime of this book many treatments have been invented, extensively used, found to be ineffective or suboptimal and subsequently have declined dramatically in popularity. Examples of this include arthroscopic debridement for knee osteoarthritis, metal-on-metal hip replacement and excision arthroplasty of the distal ulna. It is important that we continue to challenge the efficacy of existing and novel treatments. In a world of increasing global need orthopaedics has to be proven to be efficacious and cost-effective. Since 1959, the world’s population has more than doubled to over 7 billion people and has aged considerably. Life expectancy at birth is now 80 years in Europe and 74 years in Asia. There are still marked disparities – for instance Japan has a life expectancy at birth of 83 years compared to 57 years in South Africa – but these differences are narrowing. It is projected that by 2050 4% of the world’s population (but 16% of Japan’s population) will be over 80 years of age.

Originally posted 2021-07-20 15:12:19.

Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance PDF

Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance PDF Free Download

This compact book provides a general overview of the most common orthopaedic problems encountered on wards and in clinics. It is not an exhaustive tome, but will furnish the reader with key facts on which to base further reading. It is also suitable as a revision guide for medical school finals. Orthopaedics is a fascinating and hugely varied speciality. The patients range from newborn infants to the elderly. The pathologies vary from minor aches and pains to life‐threatening trauma. Orthopaedic operations are hands‐on procedures, combining knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics. Working as a junior doctor in orthopaedics should be one of the best jobs of the foundation years: there is something for everyone. Those leaning towards a future in general medicine will enjoy managing the many medical conditions encountered on the ward, while those looking to a career as a GP will have the opportunity to learn about the myriad musculoskeletal injuries that we treat. Finally, those intending to pursue a career as a surgeon will have the opportunity to acquire surgical skills in theatre. Sadly, many medical schools still spend far too little time teaching orthopaedics. This speciality is quite different from any other.
The nature of the work is unique and the terminology is different. It is often the first time many foundation doctors are given significant responsibility on the wards. In addition, new doctors will be expected to present cases in the morning trauma meetings, invariably a harrowing experience at first. Therefore many junior doctors start their foundation job feeling underprepared. This book addresses that deficit. It is aimed at senior medical students and foundation doctors, though those in other professions such as nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists will find it helpful. I would suggest that foundation doctors spend around 15 minutes on each chapter, and read two every day. By the end of the first month you will have read the whole book and have a good understanding of the main conditions you are likely to encounter. I have followed the proven at a Glance format: full‐page illustrations are paired with concise text. There are six sections: basic sciences; adult orthopaedics; paediatric orthopaedics; trauma; a section for a junior doctor in orthopaedics and finally a simple guide on performing a selected range of practical procedures. The last two sections are unique and will be helpful to those starting out in clinical orthopaedics. I have tried to use as many X‐rays as possible throughout, all taken from real patients with genuine problems. The online material consists of multiple‐choice questions and case studies, which will help reinforce knowledge. I hope that this book fuels your interest in orthopaedics and helps you deliver compassionate care to your patients. Good luck and enjoy the job!

Originally posted 2021-07-17 08:49:57.

Orthopedic Management of the Hip and Pelvis PDF »

Orthopedic Management of the Hip and Pelvis PDF Free Download

Orthopedic Management of the Hip and Pelvis is a timely and much-needed compilation of the best available evidence-based management strategies for patients with hip and pelvic disorders. The editorial team, as well as the contributing authors, consist of well-know clinicians and researchers at both the national and international levels on the topic of management of hip and pelvis musculoskeletal disorders. The text starts with a chapter that delves into the details of the complex anatomy and kinesiology of the pelvis and hip region. This chapter includes numerous colorful Netter images that capture the essence of human anatomy. The next chapter discusses the subjective and physical examination and educates the reader not only on potential sinister pathologies that may mimic as musculoskeletal pain but also on the essential items from the patient history. In addition, this chapter covers the physical examination components and the psychometric properties that will greatly assist the clinician in identifying an accurate differential diagnosis.
The remainder of the text is nicely divided into chapters that discuss potential diagnoses. These chapters examine pathologies likely to be encountered by any health care provider dealing with hip and pelvic pain, including extraarticular hip pathologies, hip labral tears/femoral acetabular impingement, sports hernia and abdominal injuries, the arthritic hip, the pediatric hip, the dancer’s hip, the female hip and pelvis, lumbopelvic region, and traumatic injuries. Each condition is examined in extensive detail regarding the typical client presentation, common mechanisms for the injury, and details about the best available conservative management strategies and appropriate surgical procedures with postoperative rehabilitation protocols. Seldom does a text delve into both conservative and surgical management with postoperative recommendations, which is just another highlight for this text.

Textbook of Orthopedics 4th Edition PDF »

Textbook of Orthopedics 4th Edition PDF Free Download

When the textbook of orthopedics was released for the first time in 1996, I never in my wildest dream ever fathomed that the book will reach this far. Year after year, edition after edition, it has grown from strength to strength and today I am extremely pleased to place the fourth edition in your hands. The entire credit of making this book a runaway success belongs to the undergraduate and postgraduate students, and teachers. The book has gone global and occupies a proud possession in prestigious NHS Trust libraries across UK and has an Italian Edition too. Indian medical authors penetrating the impregnable western market and carving a niche for themselves is a rare spectacle. The hitherto unthinkable in the not so distant past is a reality now. What makes this book so successful when most of the books released stay in the racks and sink without a trace or rarely go beyond the first edition? I feel more than the support, patronage and encouragement from all concerned, it is the love of the students and teachers that has brought the book this far. Yes I re-iterate it is the overwhelming love that is the secret of the longevity of this book. My book has received tremendous love from all quarters. Medical books are known to survive because of their scientific content presented well. But in my case I feel it is the unconditional love that has made it stand the test of time.
Be it undergraduate students, teachers, postgraduate students, orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapy students, it is a hit with all. During conferences, workshops, CME’s, teaching courses, seminars, personal and private meetings when I meet medical students and teachers, they all tell how much they love my book. One lady medical student from Gulbarga has written to me saying that she has totally fallen in love lock, stock and barrel with my book. Another postgraduate student said that my book has shaped his life more than his career. This I consider a very high praise and an ultimate complement. Shaping lives is a far bigger achievement than shaping careers. This is the job of self development books and not medical books. If my book has achieved this unique dual distinction then I feel my life is fulfilled as I have touched the lives of my readers. One medical student recently, who bumped into me in a private wedding party, said that he has read each and every word in my book and even the prelims and hence knows the names of my wife and children too! A very senior orthopedic surgeon and teacher also told me that he was very impressed with the last few sentences in my acknowledgments and this motivated him. An ophthalmologist spoke about the preface in glowing terms

Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics 8th Edition PDF download

Book Description:

Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics has long been considered the go-to certification and recertification review guide for every orthopaedic resident, fellow, and surgeon – and the 8th Edition has been fully revised to efficiently and effectively prepare you for exam success. Drs. Mark D. Miller and Stephen R. Thompson, along with expert contributors in the field, ensure that this bestselling review tool provides you with maximum knowledge in the least amount of time, keeping you up to date with the latest medical advances and helping you improve the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of your practice.

Table of Contents:

Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Basic Sciences
Section 1 Orthopaedic Tissues
Section 2 Orthopaedic Biology
Section 3 Perioperative and Orthopaedic Medicine
Section 4 Other Basic Principles
Testable Concepts
Chapter 2. Anatomy
Upper Extremity
Lower Extremity
Section 4 Spine
Testable Concepts
Chapter 3. Pediatric Orthopaedics
Upper Extremity Problems
Lower Extremity Problems: General
Hip and Femur
Knee and Leg

Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics 8th Edition PDF Free Download

About the Authors:

Mark Miller
Affiliations and Expertise
S. Ward Casscells Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Stephen Thompson
Affiliations and Expertise
Cooperating Associate Professor of Sports Medicine, University of Maine, Medical Director, EMMC Sports Health, Deputy Editor, The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Eastern Maine Medical Center Bangor, Maine; Cofounder and Codirector, Miller Review Course Part II, Denver , Colorado

More Info and Dowload Links:

No. of pages: 2392
Language: English
File Size : 67 MB
File Format : PDF

Download Links For the Book : Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics 8th Edition PDF

Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics 2nd Edition PDF download

Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics 2nd Edition PDF Free Download

A common public assumption is that all medical treatment is beneficial. This [)Jgy be a marker of the success of modem medicine, but some of the major advances of the last 50 years ha€ been the ackn edgement that medical treatments cause ham, as well as benefit, and the de1.elopment of ways of quantifying the relati€ risks and benefits of treatments. The most recent manifestation of this trend is the current focus on patient safety–pre1.enting ha~ tients v,nthin the healthcare system. Another recent trend is an increased focus on the patieril as a consumer. There has been a shift towards healthcare pro~sion structured around patient needs rather than si ply pro~air,g tfie healthcare that healthcare 1MJrkers think is best. There are costs and frustrations associated v,nth this approach, but advantages in patient satisfaction and flexibility of healthcare pro~sion. Healthcare el.OieS to sol€ patients’ problem§’fathei: than the other way round. For patients to be actiely in1ed in their healthcare, they need to be informed consumers. Therefore part of the healthcare process is to educate the patient abbut the options available. Patients now ha€ ready access to plentiful infomiation, most of which is not peer re~ewed, and may be co1.ert adertising. This can result in health ‘wants’ being confused v,nth health ‘needs’. Surgical practice needs to 0011.e to meet these challenges. The problem v,nth structuring healthcare around patient demands is that healthcare, unlike buying a meal or holiday, does not usually result in an immediate objecti1.ely good or bad outcome. If you asked a doctor what treatment they would want 1rom a surgeon, they 1MJuld want a safe, experienced surgeon and anaesthetist operating in a good en~ronment v,nth motivated conscientious nursing staff. They MJUld be in a fairly good position to judge this.

More Info:

Hardcover: 1776 pages
2nd ed. edition (August 11, 2011)
Language: English

Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics 2nd Edition Free Download ,Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics 2nd Edition Ebook ,Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics 2nd Edition Free

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 12th Edition PDF download

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 12th Edition PDF Free Download

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update (OKU) has long been considered a key reference for those in training and at all stages of orthopaedic practice. As we all know, it is challenging to keep up with the rapidly evolving knowledge base in the broad field of orthopaedics. Many teats focus on reviews of established knowledge andior detailed presentations of narrow areas of expertise. The OKU series is unique in that its goal is to set the stage for topics by briefly reviewing established information, and then to focus on the updates in the field. It has been an honor to edit OKU 12. Having worked on prior versions of OKU, I had come to appreciate the support of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons {AAOS} and all of the work that goes into this series. The MOS editorial team has been invaluable in their work on this project. The section editors have worked tirelessly to ensure that their authors have contributed to the common vision of the project as they synthesize large bodies of knowledge. The authors of this text have done an outstanding job. Senior-level authors have assimilated background information and focused on updates in their given chapters. Even for those who keep current with the literature, this type of update provides a way to easily glean recent developments in areas ranging from orthopaedicrelated basic science to advances in surgical options. Unlike the AA03 Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review test, which summarizes orthopaedic topics, OKU 12 has strived to focus on the key updates in the field. Whether you are in training and rotating on a service, preparing for your boards or recertification, or keeping up to date in the field, OKU 12 has much to offer. I hope that this text will be of use to many. I would like to acknowledge my wife, Janie Merkel, and my two daughters, Julia and Jemma, for their support with all of my endeavors. I would also like to thank my parents, Betsy and Leonard Grauer, for setting me on my career path and always being there for me. And finally, I would like to thank Dr. Gary Friedlaender and all of my mentors, colleagues, residents, and students for keeping me on track and up to date.

More Info:

Paperback: 277 pages
Twelfth edition (September 15, 2018)
Language: English

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 12th Edition Free Download ,Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 12th Edition Ebook ,Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 12th Edition Free

Review of Ophthalmology 2nd Edition PDF

Developing an effective textbook that can be used in preparation for written examinations has been a labor of love. We have enjoyed building and designing this book in a way that provides the maximum amount of information in a concise and clear manner. Based on your feedback and reviews, we know we are delivering a text book that can provide the essential information for a comprehensive understanding of each topic, as well as covers the esoteric topics that often appear on tests. We have also updated the material in each chapter to stay current with new information. The overall goal and layout of Review of Ophthalmology has remained the same. The book is organized into 11 clearly divided chapters which cover the essential topics that ophthalmologists are required to master. We have also included sidebars that focus on the core knowledge base, as well as the results from important clinical trials. New medical and surgical treatments have also been included in the new edition. At the end of each chapter, we have developed additional multiple choice questions that are designed to test your knowledge and to help you prepare for future examinations. We hope that the improvements and new material contained in this edition will strengthen your review experience, and we wish you success in your future careers.